Video Flash Chat is the right software to provide AV presence to your website's users. It can be used on a wide range of websites (chat for dating, live support, adult video chat). This software is developed and supported by , a leading provider in dating software industry since 2002. This experience guarantees high usability design, features and best performance, things you'll really need in a competitive market like this. The software supports 2 way realtime audio & video chat and fast private chat sessions - all 100% web based and monitored trough the webmaster area. Session monitoring and control, webmaster features are done trough regular server using php scripts and a mysql database to limit load and bandwidth comsumption on the FMS server. The webmaster interface is powered by the ATEOM - Webmaster Power Tools , the same engine that powers one of the best commercial matchmaking software available online: Match Agency . The integration into Match Agency packages includes the option to invite any user to a private video chat directly from the profile page (i.e see Match Agency BiZ ).
Also see the Video Flash Chat Blog .